Enabling the 'Email Approval' functionality within the nsite administration pages causes the following text to be appended to the end of each routing:
Here are some notes for operation on email approval feature with tags:
To approve the routing please put "Yes" or "No" inside Approve tag:
For help information type word "help" in the first line of your email.
To post notes to the routingyou can reply to this email and put your
comments into Note tag. Your comment can be multiline:
1.To all participants:[Note][/Note]
2. To routing initiator: [Note:initiator][/Note]
3. To specific user: [][/Note]
To add another approver to this routing please put inside AddApprover
tag new approver's email address:
1. To add "Not In Sequence"approvers: [AddApproverNotInSequence]
2. To add "In Sequence" approvers:[AddApprover][/AddApprover]
To add another reviewer to this routing please put inside AddReviewer
tag new reviewer's emailaddress:
1. To add "Not In Sequence" reviewers: [AddReviewerNotInSequence]
2. To add "In Sequence"reviewers: [AddReviewer][/AddReviewer]
KBA , BI-OD-NSI , Nsite, Quote and Proposal Management OnDemand , Product Enhancement
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