SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1287454 - Suppress part of page header


How to suppress a part of page header when graph is displayed.

Reproducing the Issue

1.Create a report with one group. In each group insert some data and a chart in group footer.

2.This report should contain a long page header, out of which try to suppress some portion, when the chart is displayed.


1.Create a report with one group. In each group insert some data and a chart in group footer.

2.This report should contain a long page header, out of which try to suppress some portion, when the chart is displayed.

3.Create a Page Header 1b and insert the portion of page header which we want to suppress.

4.Insert a Group Footer 1a and Group Footer 1c and place the chart in Group Footer 1b.

5.declare a variable and initialize it to zero (0) in a formula and place that formula in Group Footer 1a.

The formula is :

                Numbervar a;

                a: =0;

6.Increment the variable in a formula and placed that formula in Group Footer 1b.The formula is:

                Numbervar a;

                a: =a+1;

7.Declare the variable in a formula and place that formula in Group Footer 1c.The formula is :

                Numbervar a;


8.Apply a suppress condition to page header 1b based on the variable value .The condition is:
               Numbervar a;

               If a<>0 then true else false

9.Now the report will suppress the portion of page header when the chart is viewed.


Suppressing  a part of page header in a report. , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2