- Error occurs when saving a Web Intelligence document in InfoView
- Error 1: "Could not save the document to the repository for the following reason:[repo_proxy 30]InfoStore::ObjectExport::commit - ( Helpers::InfoStore::ObjectExport::Commit) Failed to commit the associated files of objects to the file repository server: ( obj Interactive Analysis, id 2285 ): File repository server error: Could not complete the file transfer..(hr=#0x80042a47)(Error # -2147210681 (WIS 30567 )</td></tr></table></html>"
- Error 2: "You do not have the rights to save in this folder or to edit categories. If you require these rights, see your Business Objects administrator."
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
XI3.0, XI3.1, WebI, FRS , KBA , BI , Business intelligence solutions , Problem
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