- the format of text written with Arial Unicode MS font appears different between PDF and Crystal Report
- the font and format seem good when being previewed in the Crystal Report Developer
- but after exporting the CR report to PDF, it leaves too much spacing when aligned left and leaves too much spacing between words when aligned justified
- Windows based operating system
- Crystal Reports XIR2 SP4
Reproducing the Issue
- Install Arial Unicode MS font on the PC where is installed Crystal Reports XI Release 2 with SP4
- Create a new simple CR report based on A4 page size.
- Insert two text boxes to the report. These two boxes should be large enough to fill the full A4 page.
- Input more than one row of words in the first text box with Arial Unicode MS font. Modify the text format as 'Align Left'.
- Input more than one row of words in the second text box with Arial Unicode MS font. Modify the text format as 'Justified'.
- Preview the result in the Crystal Reports XI R2 SP4.
- Export the report to PDF.
- Compare the PDF displaying with the CR Developer displaying.
- defect tracked and resolved under ID ADAPT01116741
***WARNING***: The following resolution involves editing the registry. Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk. Refer to Note 1323322 for more information.
- Install Crystal Reports XI Release 2 Service Pack 5.
- Run 'regedit' command on Windows to open the Registry Editor.
- Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Business Objects -> Suite 11.5 -> Crystal Reports", create a new key named 'Export' under 'Crystal Report'.
- Navigate to 'Export' and create a new key named 'PDF' under 'Export'.
- Navigate to 'PDF' and create two DWORD vales named 'ForceLargerFonts' and 'UsePrecisePositioningForText'. Then set their values to 1.
Arail Unicode MS, Arial, Unicode, font, CR, Crystal Report, export, PDF, align, left, justify, XI R2, display , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
SAP Crystal Reports XI R2