- Can't store a Data Services keycode using LicenseManager
- Error when running svrcfg: "The base keycode for the Data Services platform was not found or has expired. Obtain a valid keycode and use the License Manager to update your installation."
One of the following behaviors are seen when using $LINK_DIR/bin/LicenseManager:
- LicenseManager appears to save the keycode(s) successfully, but when the command is run again, it does not display the previously saved keycode(s)
- LicenseManager does save and display the keycode(s) successfully and seems to be working correctly, but svrcfg shows the keycode error above.
SAP Data Services XI 3.1
keycode, license, permanent license, linux, redhat, suse, rhel, hp, aix, rs6000, ds, di, dq, data quality, data integrator , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , How To
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