When trying to use the "Send To" option to send a report to another users Business Objects Inbox, after a document is selected, when you try to select the user to send to, the user id never moves over to the "Selected" side of the options. The same steps work perfectly fine when using Tomcat 5.5 as the web application server, so issue is specific to Websphere deployments.
- Highlight any of the users listed, and click the “>” arrow to send them to the “Selected” pane. When you do that, the page DOES refresh itself, but the user id does NOT move over to the selected pane. It remains empty (see embedded snapshot).
- In the WebSphere SystemOut.log file, I see this error: [1/9/09 11:48:42:844 EST] 00000032 SRTServletRes W WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed.
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
XIR2 XI R3 send to Inbox option websphere , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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