Need to create Crystal Reports from Microsoft Word documents.
Reproducing the Issue
- Crystal Reports XI Release2
- Crystal Reports 2008 V0
- Crystal Reports 2008 V1
- Create a sample Crystal report.
- Insert a Group on any field.
- Suppress all the sections expect Group Header.
- Insert an OLE Object in this section which is our Word document. Do not link it. Now in the Preview we are able to see the page 1 of the word doc in Group header 1.
- To show the second page insert a section below the Group Header 1 that becomes Group Header 1b.
- Insert the OLE Object with the same word document in Group Header 1b so it will also show the first page of the document as in previous case.
- To show the second page: In the Design mode double click on the second OLE object so that it goes to edit mode.
- Manually delete the first page of the document.
- Go to section expert and select New Page After for each Group Header section.
Now in the preview Crystal Report shows page 1 (of word) on the first page and page 2 (of word) on the second page.
Similarly by inserting the sections below the group header and inserting OLE objects for each page we can achieve it.
See Also
Note: We would be able to show the word file in the report as described previously by using a NON linked OLE object. Which allow us to show the word document as it is. However any change in it would not be reflected into the report.
If we use linked OLE object then any change in the word document would disturb all the pages and it would not reflect the correct output in the report.
If we use linked OLE object then any change in the word document would disturb all the pages and it would not reflect the correct output in the report.
KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To
Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2