SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1314915 - Xcelsius dashboards based on Query As A Web Service (QaaWS) are not refreshing/retrieving live data


  • Not able to make the auto refresh (ie, every x seconds) work on a Xcelsius data connection.
  • Xcelsius dashboards are not showing the live data change, made in the database. It shows up the data, but not in realtime basis.


  • Xcelsius Enterprise 2008
  • Query As A Web Service XI 3.x

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a QaaWS web service.
  2. Design a Xcelsius dashboard, which consumes that web service.
  3. Define a data connection in Xcelsius that refreshes on load and every, say 2 seconds after.
  4. On preview, the web service is called on load, but even after modifying the contents of the data source, the data retrieved on every 30 second refresh stays the same. 


  • Query as a Web Service XI 3.0 caches query results.
  • By default cache expires after 60 seconds with no activity.
  • This mean that if the input parameters are the same (or there are no input parameters), then QaaWS will not query against the data source but would instead return data from its cache (until timeout).
  • Result will come from cache data until cache expire, if you query every x seconds (x<60 - Default QaaWS timeout). and cache timeout is 60s it will never expire.


  • This timeout can be change in the advanced parameter dialog from QaaWS tool.
  • To change this timeout setting; we can open the QaaWS tool and highlight the query > edit > Advanced parameters. Here you can change/edit the default timeout settings.
  • Once this is set to something below to our refresh rate of the dashboard, dashboard will also start showing fresh data.

Further, to completely disable QaaWS cache:

  • Stop Tomcat
  • Locate the file (Path: <BOE_Install_Drive>:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes)
  • Add the parameter: qaaws.cache_dpresult.optim=false
  • Start the Tomcat

With this setting, QaaWS queries will no longer use data cache and hit the database upon all requests.


Xcelsius dashboards not refreshing, completely, disable, QaaWS cache, QaaWS query not refreshing, real time data refresh, update , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem


SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008