SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1318738 - How to use xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 1 batch utility?


How to use xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 1 batch utility?

Reproducing the Issue

Crystal Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 1


<p>1. This utility must be installed on the client box where Xcelsius 2008 SP1 is installed. <br />2. The Batch Utility will allow you to programmatically create a new updated SWF file when the data of a source SWF file is changed.<br />3. Run the Batch Utility installer as system administrator.<br />4. This will install the Batch Utility executable batch.exe to the Xcelsius installation directory. The default installation directory for Xcelsius is C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius.<br />5. Open xcelsius 2008 and create a dashboard based test.xls file.<br />6. Export the test.swf file which will be referred as &quot;Source swf file&quot;.<br />7. Make some changes in the data within test.xls. Be sure not to add Columns or Rows of data, unless your dashboard has been set-up to recognize these additional areas.<br />8. Go to Run and type cmd.<br />9. On the command prompt navigate to the Xcelsius installation directory where batch.exe is installed.<br />10. Typing  batch will show the expected inputs: Usage: batch //path/excel.xls //path/my.swf //path/new.swf<br />11. Now type batch //path/test.xls //path/test.swf //path/test_new.swf and press ENTER.<br />12. Updated test_new.swf .swf file will be generated in the said location.</p>


SP1, xcelsius , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , How To


SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008