SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1319638 - NaN is displayed when previewing a Flash in Xcelsius 2008


  • NaN is unexpectedly displayed in a Flash when using minus operators

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Launch Xcelsius 2008.
  2. Insert Spreadsheet Table into the Xcelsius canvas.
  3. Open the properties of Spreadsheet table.
  4. Click the Select Range of the Display Data in the General tab.
  5. Click Sheet1.
  6. Select the range of Sheet1!$A$1:$E$10 and click OK.
  7. Insert 10 (numeric) in the cell A1.
  8. Insert IF(ISNUMBER(A1),"",A1) as the formula in the cell B1.
  9. Insert A1-B1 as the formula in the cell C1.
  10. Click Preview.
  • Xcelsius 2008


This issue is a minus operator bug and tracked under ID ADAPT01209954.


The issue is scheduled to be fixed in Xcelsius 2008 SP2.

There is no available workaround.

See Also

SAP Note 1206525 - Xcelsius: what does NaN mean?


#VALUE, swf, ISERROR, -, Excel , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem


SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008