SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1320687 - Error upgrading PowerBuilder RDC 8.5 application to Crystal Reports XI R2


Windows Error:

(PowerBuilder Application Execution Error(R0035)) error calling externel object function readrecords at line 1052 in function uf_report_selection of object n_ole_crystal.

Reproducing the Issue

Upgrading application from PowerBuilder 10.2 using Crystal Reports 8.5 to PowerBuilder 10.2 or PowerBuilder 11.5 with Crystal Reports XI R2


  • Code is from an earlier version of the RDC. 
  • It was last supported in Crystal Reports 8.5.
  • The code for Crystal Reports connectivity was completely rewritten in version 9.0 with the introduction of our QueryEngine:
  • The new code is described in:
  • Note that with the addition of the Query engine, Crystal Reports now reads the specific database driver being used.
    • The properties for an ODBC driver are different than and OLEDB driver.
    • The properties of a SQL Server driver are not the same as Oracle.
    • The big difference between MS SQL Server and Oracle is Oracle does not have a database property.
  • The older connection code is no longer supported:                                                                                        
    // Connect to database using odbc 32bit - this will not work:                                                                                                   




Crystal Reports 8.5, PB, LogOnServer, SetLogOnInfo, craxdrt, crviewer , KBA , BI-DEV , Business Intelligence Software Development Kits (SDKs) , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI R2