- When refreshing a Desktop Intelligence (Deski) report through the Desktop Intelligence designer the busobj.exe process consumes 100% of a single CPU
- The last two lines of the busobj_pid_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss_mil_trace.log may be repeated 0 (zero) or more times
- The end of the log file ends with MakeListOfSubReq: <seconds in decimal format> line
- No more lines are generated in the log files even though the process is consuming 100% of a CPU
- When reviewing the log files created using a BO_Trace.ini trace you see the following two sections near the end of the log file:
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036| |||||||||||||||Universe (<Universe_Name>) imported.
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036| |||||||||||||||Universe (<Universe_Name>) newer than the data provider (#DP#1).
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036| |||||||||||||||3/11/2009 5:21:21 PM (Universe) > 11/11/2008 1:00:14 PM (Document)
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036| |||||||||||||||_BOGeneralDataManager::ReleaseLPDPGeneric (#DP#1)
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036| |||||||||||||||_BOGeneralDataManager::GetLPDPSpecific (#DP#1,DPQTC)
2009/03/17 02:54:40.439|==| | | 6140|1036|{|||||||||||||||SQL Generation by Refresh
2009/03/17 02:54:46.939|==| | | 6140|1036|{|||||||||||||||_SQLNet::SetConnection()
2009/03/17 02:54:46.939|==| | | 6140|1036|}|||||||||||||||_SQLNet::SetConnection(): 0
2009/03/17 02:54:46.939|==| | | 6140|1036|{|||||||||||||||MakeListOfSubReq
2009/03/17 02:54:46.954|==| | | 6140|1036|}|||||||||||||||MakeListOfSubReq: 0.015
busobjbusobj.exefull clientDeski document , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Bug Filed
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