SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1330019 - Wrap a crosstab


How to wrap a crosstab without showing virtual pages in a report .

Reproducing the Issue

1. Create a Crystal report.

2. Insert a crosstab in any of the section where you can see the crosstab displaying in virtual pages if the number of columns in the crosstab exceeds the page width.


1. Create a formula that counts the number of records in a column like this,



Global Numbervar RegionNo := RegionNo + 1

2. Create another formula that will be evaluated after the first one which creates number for a group of 6 records in a column like this,


EvaluateAfter ({@Each Region});

Global Numbervar RegionNo;

Int((RegionNo - 1)/6)

3. Create a group based on this Formula i.e., "@Groupregion".

4. Since each group is divided for 6 records when we place the crosstab in group header we will be able to see only 6 columns in the crosstab and the remaining 6 in the next group.


KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; SAP Crystal Reports 10.0 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2