SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1331975 - When refreshing an xlf dashboard using rss fed from a web site with Hebrew content, the Hebrew characters are not displayed correctly.


  • When refreshing an xlf dashboard using rss fed from a web site with Hebrew content, the Hebrew characters are not displayed correctly. 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open an xlf file
  2. Check Properties/Text tab/Labels equal to Arial(Hebrew)
  3. Check the Data Manager in the Definition tab there is a link to an Hebrew website (
  4. Click on Preview
  5. Wait few seconds as per time set up in the Refresh Options for the dashboard to refresh
  6. The dashboard changes but shows gibberish characters instead of Hebrew characters
  • Xcelsius 2008


  • The issue is caused by third party Adobe Flash Player which seems to display incorrectly an XML file containing Hebrew text.
  • The incoming XML from the Israeli web site uses the Windows Hebrew encoding charset “Windows-1255” and Flash Player is not able to display correctly when this specific charset is used in the header of the xml.


  • Change the encoding from ‘windows-1255’ to ‘utf-8’ but this is out of Business Objects hands


KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem


SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008