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1333516 - Passing contextual information from a row or column in the Voyager crosstab to a linked Crystal Report does not work as expected


Using AdventureWoks DW as example, select the target report which prompts for parameter values for Reseller and Year.  In Voyager, you can pass context, meaning the currently selected value for a specific dimension in the crosstab.  Here, you see a list of possible dimension values to pass to the target Crystal Report.  Notice that you can pass the current value for Reseller, Sales Territory and Measure, but not Calendar Year.  This is because any dimension that is placed on the slice filter does not show up in this report linking dialog. 



SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1


Voyager,Passing Slice Filter,Link , KBA , BI-RA-MD , OLAP Intelligence, multidimensional databases , Problem

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