SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1337660 - How to pass null values to static parameter in Crystal Reports.


How to pass "Null / space" values to a static parameter.

Reproducing the Issue

1. Create a Crystal Report with a Static Parameter.

2. Try to pass Null value as a value for parameter.


1. Create a Crystal Report of any version.

2. Create a Static Parameter with a default value of 'Blank'

3. In Record Selection, use If statement to check the default value like : 

({? Parameter Value} = {Field Value} or

If {Parameter Value} = 'Blank' Then

(Isnull ({Field Value} or {Field Value} = " "))

4. We can have multiple default values for this parameter.


KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; SAP Crystal Reports 10.0 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2