SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1341238 - Why there is multiple connections to the same data source under "My Connections" in Crystal Reports


  • Multiple connections listed.
  • Database connections duplicated in the Database Expert.
  • Many connections to the same database displays in Crystal Reports.
  • Why multiple connections to the same data source are displayed under "My Connections" in the Database Expert of Crystal Reports.


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2013
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2016
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2020

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a new report in Crystal Reports.
  2. In the "Database Expert" window, create a new connection to your database server.
  3. Under the "Available Data Sources" under "My Connections", noticed it added an entry for the newly created connection. ( Example: ABC )
  4. Still in the "Database Expert" window, create a new connection to the same database server and point to a different database.
  5. Under the "Available Data Sources" under "My Connections", noticed it added a new entry with the same name, but with "_1" at the end of it despite it points to the same database server. ( Example: ABC_1 )


  • Each connections listed under "My Connections" in the "Database Expert" are different based on the following properties:
    • Database Type
    • Data Source Name
    • User ID
    • Database

And this is why multiple connections to the same data source can appear under "My Connections" as they are using a different user or a different database for example.


  • This is normal behavior.
  • To confirm the properties of the connections listed under "My Connections" are distinct in the "Database Expert" window:
    1. Create a new report in Crystal Reports
    2. In the "Database Expert" window, under "Available Data Sources", right click on one of your connection listed in "My Connections" and select "Properties" in the contextual menu.
    3. In  the "Properties" window, it list all the properties for this connection
    4. If you compare the properties of different connections, it will have at least one of the property that will be different, and this is normal behavior
  • If after verifying the properties of each connection and identifying you no longer need some of it listed under "My Connections", then in the "Database Expert" window, right click on the connection you will like to remove, and select "Delete Connection" in the contextual menu


CR, Multiple Connections, Duplicate Connections, Database Expert , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020