- Over color and selected color defined for labels are not reflected in the model in Design and Preview Mode
Reproducing the Issue
- Launch Xcelsius
- Place a Tab set component onto the canvas
- click on the + to add a couple of tabs
- In the properties of the tab set, go to the Appearance tab
- Under Labels, set different colors for Over Color and Selected Color
- Switch from one tab to another
-> No text color change is noticed
- Xcelsius 2008 SP1
- Logged as a product defect : Bug #ADAPT01153280
This issue is scheduled to be addressed in a future Fix Pack > Please refer to the Release Notes for ADAPT01153280
colour, onglet, ensemble, d'onglets, couleur, texte, Excelsius, showing, displaying , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Bug Filed
SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008