Open Hub feature is supported Data Services starting with SAP BW 7.01 patch level 003 and above.
As a pre-requisite, the following SAP Notes must be implemented before using this feature:
1270828, 1294774: Resolves table import issues.
1330568 version 3: Resolves table reading issues.
This patch resolves the issue when a Data Services Job set the read status to fail for an Open Hub read request and attempted to read the same table again, and the job failed with error - Error 206 (RSBK): Previous request (ID 641) has status 'red'. By applying this SAP patch, and subsequently enabling the check box "Automatically Repeat Red Requests in Process Chain" in the DTP Execute, the Job will repeat the incorrect request from the previous run.
This patch resolves the issue when a job read data from an Open Hub table for the same read request ID from two or more other distinct data flows in parallel, one of the Open Hub source failed with error: Error 028(OSOH): Request <n> cannot be locked.
1338465 –with 1293589 as pre-requisite:
Before implementing the corrections, you must create the structure RSBM_S_POSIT and the new table type RSBM_T_POSIT. For detail instructions, refer to SAP Note 1338465.
This patch addresses an issue when Open Hub sources read data from Open Hub table, it encounters error - RFC Function of RSB_API_OHS_DEST_READ_DATA throws exception: "RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE : The ABAP/4 Open SQL array insert results in duplicate database records".
This patch resolves the two issues
1) When a Data Services job executed two Process Chains of an Open Hub by two Open Hub Sources executed from two data flows in sequence, the second Open Hub Source read an incorrect dataset.
2) When a Data Services job executed two different Open Hub Sources from two different data flows in parallel, one of the Open Hub Sources returned an incorrect data set.
This patch contains a new API which enables processing of multi-byte data. If you are processing multi-byte data from Open Hub, you need to implement this SAP Note and use Data Services Fix Pack (available in August 2010) to ensure proper processing of multi-byte data.
Without this note applied to BW, an OpenHub job launched by Data Services may fail with the following error. “Bean RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY not found on host <hostname>, ProgId=FLRFCSRV: Object not found in lookup of RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY.” The note corrects this behavior so that Data Services can correctly use the function module RSB_API_OHS_REQUEST_SETSTATUS and confirm the request.
Without this fix, Data Services reads currency types from an OpenHub destination table using 2 decimal places. The fix allows DS to read 4 decimal places of precision.
Additional known issues related to Open Hub are listed below using internal bug tracking numbers:
The SAP BusinessObjects Data Services Technical Manuals (xi3_ds_tech_manuals_en.chm) is missing the topic "Data Services Open Hub Reader run-time architecture." The individual PDF xi3_ds_sap_en.pdf contains this topic, and it is accessible in the installation directory of the product.
Open Hub source does not process single-byte non-English character data, nor does it process mjulti-byte data correctly. As a workaround, you can read the source data using the R3 table interface. This issue will be addressed in Data Services Fix Pack (available in August 2010).
SAP Data Services 4.1
SAP Data Services 4.2
BODS, BODI, DS, Edge, RFC server at host set the user status to R, open hub, requirements, process chain , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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