SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1347036 - How to install Crystal Reports 2008 Japanese Report Application Server 12 .NET SDK Help in Visual Studio 2008 on Japanese Windows OS or Japanese locale


How to install Crystal Reports 2008 Japanese Report Application Server 12 .NET SDK Help in Visual Studio 2008

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008.
  2. Install Crystal Reports 2008.
  3. Check the following Help directory

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 12.0\Developer Files\Help

  • Crystal Reports 2008
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Japanese Windows Operating System
  • Japanese locale


To refer Japanese translated Crystal Reports 2008 Report Application Server 12 .NET API Reference in the Visual Studio 2008 Help, use the following steps.

  1. Copy and files under package folder of Crystal Reports 2008 product media.
  2. Create a new directory (C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 12.0\Developer Files\Help\jp\DotNetInstalled).
  3. Extract all files from file and copy them to the created new directory.
  4. Rename to H2Reg.exe.
  5. Rename to H2Reg.ini.
  6. Rename to
  7. Extract all files from file and copy them to the created new directory.
  8. Rename to RASNETCollection.HxA.
  9. Rename to RASNETCollection.HxC.
  10. Rename to RASNETCollection_A.HxK.
  11. Rename to RASNETCollection_F.HxK.
  12. Rename to RASNETCollection_K.HxK.
  13. Rename to RASNETCollection_NamedURL.HxK.
  14. Rename to rasnetsdk.HxS.
  15. Rename to ras_sdk_dotnet.ini.
  16. Rename to rasnetapi.HxS.
  17. Run the following command in the comman prompt. (H2Reg.exe -r -q cmdfile=ras_sdk_dotnet.ini)
  18. Download Japanese translated Crystal Reports 2008 Report Application Server 12.0 .NET API reference file ( from
  19. Replace rasnetsdk.HxS which is Japanese translated file.
  20. Replace rasnetapi.HxS which is Japanese translated file.


RAS, RAS.NET, 1341202, CR2008, integration , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V1