How to install Crystal Reports 2008 Japanese Report Application Server 12 .NET SDK Help in Visual Studio 2008
Reproducing the Issue
- Install Visual Studio 2008.
- Install Crystal Reports 2008.
- Check the following Help directory
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 12.0\Developer Files\Help
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Japanese Windows Operating System
- Japanese locale
To refer Japanese translated Crystal Reports 2008 Report Application Server 12 .NET API Reference in the Visual Studio 2008 Help, use the following steps.
- Copy and files under package folder of Crystal Reports 2008 product media.
- Create a new directory (C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 12.0\Developer Files\Help\jp\DotNetInstalled).
- Extract all files from file and copy them to the created new directory.
- Rename to H2Reg.exe.
- Rename to H2Reg.ini.
- Rename to
- Extract all files from file and copy them to the created new directory.
- Rename to RASNETCollection.HxA.
- Rename to RASNETCollection.HxC.
- Rename to RASNETCollection_A.HxK.
- Rename to RASNETCollection_F.HxK.
- Rename to RASNETCollection_K.HxK.
- Rename to RASNETCollection_NamedURL.HxK.
- Rename to rasnetsdk.HxS.
- Rename to ras_sdk_dotnet.ini.
- Rename to rasnetapi.HxS.
- Run the following command in the comman prompt. (H2Reg.exe -r -q cmdfile=ras_sdk_dotnet.ini)
- Download Japanese translated Crystal Reports 2008 Report Application Server 12.0 .NET API reference file ( from
- Replace rasnetsdk.HxS which is Japanese translated file.
- Replace rasnetapi.HxS which is Japanese translated file.
RAS, RAS.NET, 1341202, CR2008, integration , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To
Crystal Reports 2008 V1