Logon failure for subreport results in database logon screen if second table in the main report is from a trusted connection.
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a Crystal report on two ODBC datasources with the first datasource using SQL authentication and the second datasource using NT authentication
- Insert a subreport that uses a third ODBC datasource which uses SQL authentication
- This report will run with no issues in the Crystal Reports designer
- Using the below VS .NET code results in database logon for the subreport
'Load Report
CRReport.Load("C:\Users\Main\Desktop\" & "ConnectionTest3.rpt")Dim conn As CrystalDecisions.Shared.IConnectionInfo'Connection 1
conn = CRReport.DataSourceConnections.Item(0)
conn.IntegratedSecurity = False
conn.SetConnection("Data1", "Database1", "SA", "PW")'Connection 2
conn = CRReport.DataSourceConnections.Item(1)
conn.IntegratedSecurity = True
conn.SetConnection("Data2", "Database2", True)'SubReport
Dim mySubreport As ReportDocument = CRReport.OpenSubreport("SUB3.rpt")
conn = mySubreport.DataSourceConnections.Item(0)
conn.IntegratedSecurity = False
conn.SetConnection("Data5", "Database3", "sa", "PW")'Display Report
myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = CRReport
- The issue has been submitted for a resolution.
- Tracking number is 5000110015
- The above escalation has been rejected.
- Available work-around is to verify the database connection:
Dim mySubreport As ReportDocument = CRReport.OpenSubreport("SUB3.rpt")
conn = mySubreport.DataSourceConnections.Item(0)
conn.IntegratedSecurity = False
conn.SetConnection("Data5", "Database3", "sa", "PW")
KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1