- Report has mixed Chinese and English text.
- When this report is displayed in DHTML Viewer or exported using the Java Reporting Component (JRC) there are boxes in place of some of the text.
- IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0 integrates the Java Reporting Component 11.8 which is not the most recent version of the JRC.
Reproducing the Issue
- Java Reporting Component 11.8
- IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7
When adding the updated runtimes to your project, you must remove the old ones first; this is because they have changed the names of the libraries and reorganized the classes into new jar files, so adding the new ones to the old ones will cause conflicts and other problems.
Upgrade to Crystal Reports for Java 12.0 (CRJ) using the following steps for IBM RAD 7:
- Remove Web App Library from Build Path
- Remove JRC 11.8 jar files from WEB-INF\lib folder
- Download the Runtime libraries and files for JRC 12 from
- Unzip above folder to a location of your choice
- You will need to add the latest crystalreportviewers, CRConfig.xml, and libraries to your project.
- Import the <downloaded runtimes>\crystalreportviewers folder to the WebContent folder of your project
- Import the CRConfig.xml from <downloaded runtimes>\template to the WebContent\WEB-INF\classes folder of your project
- Import the runtime libraries from <downloaded runtimes>\lib to the WebContent\WEB-INF\lib folder of your project
- Go to the Configure Build Path tool and choose to add the Web App Libraries to your project. This adds the updated libraries to the project information.
- You will need to ensure that your import statements are updated. Below is an example of the new packages needed for the CRJ 12.0:
This package: com.crystaldecisions.reports.sdk.*
Changes to this package:*
The other packages do not change.
KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem
Crystal Reports for Java 1.0