SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1356719 - Export dialog is unresponsive when exporting from a Visual Studio .NET web application


  • The report appears in the Crystal Reports DHTML viewer as expected.
  • When the Export icon in the DHTML viewer is pressed, the export dialog appears, but after the OK button is pressed, the report is not exported.


  • The viewer control needs to use files found in the Crystal Reports web form viewer folder in the  root of your website.
  • The folders for different versions of Crystal reports are listed below.

Crystal Reports 10.2 (Bundled with VS2005)

Crystal Reports 10.5 (Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 )

Crystal Reports 11.5 (XI release 2)

Crystal Reports 12.x (2008)


  • To further troubleshoot the issue follow these steps:
  1. Run your application and view the report.
  2. Click the Printer button (this will cause a postback to the web page) and then cancel the print dialog. right-click in the web page and select "View Source".
  3. Search for the word "".
  4. This will show you where the application is trying to download the printcontrol from.
  5. Paste the URL into a browser.
    • If you get prompted to "open or save to disk" the url is correct and there is a browser setting or possibly a system policy preventing the download.
    • If you get a "404 page not found" or a similar error message, investigate the URL.
    • If the issue is on your local web server, try browsing to the URL in IIS manager.


KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To


Crystal Reports 2008 V1