When exporting or viewing Traceback results in a model calculated to leaf Cost Object level the Traceback values are apportioned to different Cost Object items than expected.
The following Model Calculation Options affect the allocation of these Traceback cost values:
- Cost object responsibility centers
- Cost object activity type line items
If these options are set to "Summarize" when exporting or viewing Traceback values, costs WILL GO to the "Cost Object 1 Unassigned" item ('CO1 Unassigned')
If these options are set to "Do not Summarize" when exporting or viewing Traceback values, costs WILL NOT GO to "Cost Object 1 Unassigned" item ('CO1 Unassigned')
NOTE: It is difficult to see this mechanism of cost allocation happening if there are Cost Object Assignments set up to allocate costs to the 'Cost Object 1 Unassigned' item in the model.
SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 10 (PCM)
EPM, EPO, BusinessObjects, EPM-PCM, PCM, SBOP PCM, COV, RC, ADV, * , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem
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