SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1365470 - When exporting a Crystal Report to Word (RTF) format the resulting size is abnormally big


  • Crystal Report document with an embedded BMP or TIF OLE object image
  • Exporting to MS Word RTF format
  • The file size of the RTF file is abnormally big
  • In some occurrences random errors may be thrown or Crystal Reports may be terminated unexpectedly


Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Crystal Reports 2008 designer
  2. Create a new document
  3. Insert a BMP file
  4. Resize the object to 5x5 cm
  5. Export the report to Word format (RTF)
  6. Check the size of the RTF document: it is abnormally big



  • Crystal Reports saves the OLE object (the BMP or TIF image) in the RTF in its original format
  • the result will be a file size which is equal or greater than:
    OLE object filesize x number of occurrences in the report 
    - if the OLE image is 350 KB and the report has 20 pages, the resulting size of the RTF file will be at least 350x20 = 7 MB 
    - if the OLE image is 11MB and the report has 50 pages, the resulting size of the RTF file will be at least 11x50 = 550 MB 


  1. Convert the OLE image to a lighter format  (JPG or GIF)
  2. Resize the OLE image to the dimensions it will display within the Crystal Report



KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


Crystal Reports 2008 V1