- Creating a Crystal Report against a BEX Query on SAP Business Warehouse.
- Key Figures are listed as Measure.[(Unique ID or Technical Name)]
- How can I get the more descriptive long name of the key figure?
Reproducing the Issue
- Crystal Reports
- Integration Kit for SAP Solutions
- BEX Query in SAP-Business Warehouse
Within Crystal Reports:
- Click on "File" then "Options".
- Click on the "Database" tab.
- Chose either "Show Description" or "Show Both"
SAPBW SAP/BW Netweaver BI SAPBI NW long long-name longname UID Identifier , KBA , BI-BIP-IK , Integration; Integration kits for SAP, Baan, PeopleSoft, Sie , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1