- When running a Job the following error occurs:
DFC-250014: Job or data flow <DF_xxx> did not receive registration requests from its children within <30> seconds. Possible reasons: (1) A data flow or sub data flow process aborted. 2. If distribution level is 'Data flow' or 'Sub data flow' and communication method is 'peer-to-peer', an insufficient range of ports was specified. Additional errors might be in LINK_DIR/log/errorlog.txt.
- The errorlog.txt file contains:
Unknown error occurred when listening for data flow communication message using named pipe method.
- Job fails after upgrade
SAP Data Services 4.x
SRV-210115, Error Log.txt, failing, failure, bods, ds, dataflow, data flow , KBA , EIM-DI , Data Integrator, Composer , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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