- The CSV file generated by Infoview contains no data, but only the HTML error below.
- The error text is not contained in an error window, but printed in the actual CSV file.
- When opening the file with Notepad, the same error can be seen.
- When saving the same report to PDF or Excel, "Error: INF" is also encountered, but no file is generated.
- Error seems to be specific to an IBM Websphere deployment.
- Error could happen for Desktop Intelligence or Web Intelligence reports
WebIntelligence(r) Report Panel
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<script language="javascript" src="scripts/Utils.js"></script>
<script language="javascript"
<script language="javascript">
setTimeout('delayedDisplayDlg()' 100);
function delayedDisplayDlg()
advDisplayViewerErrorMsgDlg(" (Error: INF )" _ERR_DOWNLOAD_AS);
<body onKeyDown='return KeyDown();' onKeyUp='KeyUp();'><iframe
name="HiddenFrame" style="width:0px;height:0px"
src="javascript:return false;"></iframe><input type="hidden"
name="BENCH_ERROR" value="Error Number : -
Error Description : "></body>
KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Problem
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