SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

1384047 - OpenDoc Is Not Using the Correct Logon Token


Two logon tokens are created, 1 for each of two users.

Two opendoc html links are provided, each using a different user and different logon token, that open in a new window (target="_blank").

Whichever link is clicked first, that's the only account that will work.  The other link acts like the first one (accesses as first user), unless copied into a brand new browser (a new process, not spawned from the existing window) in which case the link works correctly (accesses as second user).



BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2


java sdk opendoc opendocument token logon login wrong user account credentials , KBA , BI-DEV , Business Intelligence Software Development Kits (SDKs) , How To

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