Chart component using Qaaws data shows #N/A in Xcelsius dashboard.
- Xcelsius 2008
Reproducing the Issue
- Create two QAAWS queries which have prompts. The data returned by QAAWS should be a time field.
- Consume these two queries into Xcelsius.
- Set both of these to refresh on load.
- Calculate some Vlookup formula which would be based on the data coming from QAAWS.
- Map these formulas to a chart component.
- When you preview the dashboard, the chart component shows "#NA" instead of the data.
The chart is not displaying the values because the formulas are getting executed before the query brings up the values.
- Open the dashboard and go to the Data Manager option.
- Set the first query to refresh on load however set the second query to refresh on a Trigger cell.
- This trigger cell will be the time field which gets updated by the first query.
- Now this will enable the first query to refresh completely and would only invoke the second query after the first query data is fetched.
- Save the changes and preview the dashboard. Now the chart will display the correct data.
Charts, Xcelsius, QAAWS , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem
SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008