After upgrading to BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R2 Service Pack (SP) 5, multiple BusinessObjects Enterprise services start to crash and create core file at the same time.
Using DBX to extract the stack trace you will see something similar to:
pthread_kill(??, ??) at 0xd0128470
_p_raise(??) at 0xd0127f08
raise.raise(??) at 0xd033ab60
abort.abort() at 0xd036a0b0
sig_abnormal_system_handler__8CXLib301Fi(??) at 0xd24ec2e4
_p_nsleep(??, ??) at 0xd0128010
raise.nsleep(??, ??) at 0xd033a7cc
sleep.nanosleep(??, ??) at 0xd036f7a0
MilliSleep__Q2_8CXLib30110CSIProcessFi(??) at 0xd2494b94
SecSleep__Q2_8CXLib30110CSIProcessFi(??) at 0xd24e9f80
run__Q2_8CXLib30111SUNIXDaemonFv(??) at 0xd24ea748
run__Q2_8CXLib30118SIServerControllerFiPPc(??, ??, ??) at 0xd24f29dc
main(??, ??) at 0x1017ec50
pthread_kill(??, ??) at 0xd0128470
_p_raise(??) at 0xd0127f08
raise.raise(??) at 0xd033ab60
abort.abort() at 0xd036a0b0
MWCleanupHandler__Fi(??) at 0x100c87a0, ??, ??, ??, ??) at 0xd03ac64c
read__Q2_8CXLib30112PipeListenerFRCiPvUi(??, ??, ??, ??) at 0x2036cc78
readStringPartFromPipe__Q2_8CXLib30112PipeListenerFRCiUiRQ2_8CXLib30111SAnsiString(??, ??, ??, ??) at 0x2036ab74
readNumBytesInString__Q2_8CXLib30112PipeListenerFRCiRUi(??, ??, ??) at 0x2044f2a0
ReadString__Q2_8CXLib30112PipeListenerFRCilbT3(0x2ff1f6bc, 0x2ff1f72c, 0x2ff1f490, 0x44424224, 0x20347f38, 0x0) at 0x2044f92c
ReadStringHelper__Q2_8CXLib3017CSIPipeFRCi(??, ??, ??) at 0x204506a8
ReadString__Q2_8CXLib30113CSIPipeClientFv(??, ??) at 0x20451d60
run__12MixedProcMgrFv(??) at 0x1006b938
main_jobserverchild.main(0x9, 0x2ff20f34) at 0x100c6730
boe_jobcd, boe_cmsd, boe_cachesd, boe_fcprocd, boe_eventsd, ConnectionServer, boe_pagesd.bin, boe_filesd, boe_fccached, boe_crystalras, raise.nsleep(), raise.nsleep(), nsleep, MWCleanupHandler , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem
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