SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1386160 - Field cannot be dereferenced when format painter is used in Crystal Reports.


  • Field cannot be dereferenced when format painter is used
  • Even when the database field is removed from the formatting formula, Field Explorer keeps showing a check mark before this field as if its stillbeing used.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a new report from scratch, based on BOCasFormatPainter.mdb (attached).
  2. Drop 3 fields on the report: currency name, stock amount and income.
  3. Format stock amount rounding with a ContitionFormula referencing field Currency_DecimaRounding (integer) (Right click filed>> Format field>> Click Customize on Number tab>> Click [X-2] button in front of Rounding>>and Select the Currency_DecimaRounding ).
  4. Use the Format painter to format field 'income' like 'stock amount'.
  5. Go to the rounding ContitionFormula of field 'income', replace reference of Currency_DecimaRounding by a constant (for example 3).
  6. Go to the rounding ContitionFormula of field 'stock amount', replace reference of Currency_DecimaRounding by a constant (for example 2).

Note:  At this point, there should be no more references left of Currency_DecimaRounding.B  ut the green mark is still on this field.  If Right Click on it>> Find in Formulas ..., the formula of type Rounding can be found but it is unreachable.

  • Crystal Reports 2008 V1
  • Crystal Reports XI R2


This issue has been identified as a potential bug and raised under ADAPT01300566.


This issue is currently being investigated by Product Group and would potentially be addressed in the next Fix Pack or Service Pack for the mentioned version.


green mark right list references , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2
