SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1390055 - The text of an exported PDF is mirrored compared to the original report if the language used is right to left (Arabic or Hebrew)


  • The text of a PDF exported from a Crystal Reports report using the Crystal Reports applet viewer, will display the text mirrored if the
    characters used in the report are right to left type of characters (I.E Arabic or Hebrew)
  • The text "Crystal Reports" will be exported as "stropeR latsyrC" 

Reproducing the Issue

1) Create a Crystal Reports report that contains a right to left text

2) Display the report using the Crystal Reports applet viewer

3) Use the viewer export functionality to export the report to pdf

4) Observe the text mirrored in the pdf generated

  • Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0
  • Java SDK 1.5 or 1.6 


The issue has bees escalated and it has been assigned Technical Escalation ID  5000151161


KBA , BI-DEV , Business Intelligence Software Development Kits (SDKs) , Bug Filed


Crystal Reports, version for Eclipse 2.0