- In the application server event log one of the followings message is observed:
- PCM Model Service: Unable to Activate Memory Pointer: file X:\file path\Model?\EPM?.tmp handle 0 memorysize 0
- PCM Model Service : ModelFailedUnable to Activate Memory Pointer: file X:PCMTempModelsModelxModelRes.EPM handle 0 memorysize 33554432
- Users experience being "frozen" in a model (can only see the hour glass)
- Users experience being "frozen" just after logging in but without a model being open (can only see the hour glass)
SAP Profitability and Cost Management (PCM)
SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 7.5
EPM, BusinessObjects, erreur, journaux windows , KBA , performance , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem
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