- While accessing Xcelsius dashboards through OpenDocument function, the following error occurs intermittently: "Failed to get document information. (LO 26315)"
- Xcelsius dashboard retrieves information from BOE system using LiveOffice connection
- Live Office connections point to Web Intelligence reports instances
- When editing the Xcelisus dashboard and accessing the LiveOffice connections, the following error is showed: "Failed to get the document information. (LO 26315) ID: Invalid report ID. (Error: RWI 00011)(6315)"
- When trying to view those Web Intelligence instances through Infoview, the following error comes up: "Invald session. Please close your browser and log on again. (WIH 00013)"
- By enabling the trace on Web Intelligence Report Server, the following errors are tracked:
2009/10/29 15:00:05.441|>=|W| |12992|7144| |||||||||||||||open o_read : D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Data/hostname_6400\storage\docs\00000097\00000045.wid_1252946186\en_US\bores\lock.start
bo_file.cpp:1411:void __thiscall bo_file::open(enum bo_file_base::type_access) throw(class bo_file_except): TraceLog message 11174
2009/10/29 15:00:05.441|>=|W| |12992|7144| |||||||||||||||Error message :The system cannot find the file specified.
- BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.1 Fix Pack 1.7
- Xcelsius 2008
- Tomcat 5.5
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
xcelsius, error, liveoffice, webi, web, intelligence, dashboard, swf, LO, 26315, LO26315, RWI00011, 6315, WIH, 00013, WIH00013, OpenDocument, Failed, get, document, information, infoview, instance, clear, delete, free , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem
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