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1397556 - Cannot Customize the Webi Viewer Applet SaveAs Dialog in XI R3.1


Previously, on XI R2, we were able to launch the Java Report Panel applet from a .jsp with the following parameter set:

name="SaveAs" value="/MySaveAs.jsp"

This would override the save as functionality, as desired. However, this is no longer working in R3. Instead, the default Save As... popup is appearing

Is this a known bug in R3, or is there another workaround we can use?

It would be acceptable to use the default popup if we could eliminate the ability to select which directory to save to, and we could instead provide that directory.



Business Objects Enterprise XI R3.x


SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0


webi web intelligence java report panel saveas customize change alter custom default , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem

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