One step in the process of converting a Live Office powerpoint document to work with XIR3 (where previously it was using XIR2) is to launch the document and have it converted to the XIR3 format. In this process, the converter checks the links to the XIR3 report. If the XIR2 report was migrated from one folder in XIR3 to a differently named or located folder in XIR3, the Powerpoint document fails to convert. During the conversion process, the ability to change the links/location of the webi report in the powerpoint is disabled. Conversion must complete first. This issue results in a Catch-22. You cant convert the document to fix the relationship because that option is greyed out until it is converted.
live office, migration, links XIR3 XI 3.1 XI3 XI 3.0 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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