After re-installing the product in a different drive, all the services except Central Management Server are stopped. When log in to Central Management console > Servers > select the server which is stopped > Properties, it gives below error message in RED:- The executable could not be launched. Possible reasons are insufficient RAM or disk space, or an invalid file path or working directory. Actual reason: Create Process: "C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Business Objects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\JobServer.exe" - logging Path "e:/Program Files/Business Objects/Business Objects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -objectType CrystalEnterprise.JavaScheduling -maxDesktops 0 -classpath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/common/4.0/java/lib//external/certj.jar;C:/Program Files/Business Objects/common/4.0/java/lib//external/jsafe.jar;C:/Program Files/Business Objects/common/4.0/java/lib//external/asn1.jar" -fg - restart -name A00CDWBOPRD.AdaptiveJobServer -pidfile "E:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0 \serverpids\" -ns A00- CDWBOPRD.BTP.local:6400 error=3
Re-install to new drive, services are stopped, Servers stopped in CCM , KBA , BI , Business intelligence solutions , Problem
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