After applying some changes on the bar chart, the value 1 is shown incorrectly below the X axis.
- Crystal Reports 2008 Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2
- Crystal Reports XI Release 2 Service Pack 5
Reproducing the Issue
1) Create a report which contains a bar chart. The report for this example is based on an Excel sheet.
2) Set the option 'Show values' on the chart expert.
3) Make below changes in the bar chart:
a. Select the values on the bar.
b. Right Click on the values >Format Data labels.
c. Click on Font Tab > Select "White color" and select "Single Line Frame" from the Frame dropdown.
d. Click on Fill tab, select "Black color" from foreground Color dropdown.
e. Click on Layout tab> Select "Base of Chart" from the Labels Location.
4) Click ok and view resulting chart
Note: This issue doesn't happen on Crystal Reports XI Release 4
This is has been identified as a potential regression and is currently being reviewed by Product Group under ADAPT01321455.
This issue has been targetted to be fixed in Service Pack 3 of Crystal Reports 2008. Please note that this might be subject to change as the investigation is still in progress,
1) Instead of "Single Line Frame" use "No Frame" in Font tab.
2) If we will change the type of the bar chart instead of SideBySide bar chart to Stacked bar chart then we can get the output.
ADAPT,01321455,1321455 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed