- Error: Invalid Argument provided.
- When refreshing a report based on, it fails with the above error.
- It was possible to successfully refresh the same report before applying a product update to Crystal Reports.
- After applying Service Pack 2 to Crystal Reports 2008, all reports connecting to fails to refresh with the following error:
" Invalid Argument provided.
Details: java Server startup failure. Verify the PATH (JDK), (CLASSPATH), and IORFileLocation properties in the CRConfig.xml file.
In addition, verify that you are using JDK 1.5."
- Crystal Reports 2008 - Service Pack 2
Reproducing the Issue
- In Crystal Reports 2008, create a report off
- The report refresh successfully.
- Save the report.
- Apply Service Pack 2 to Crystal Reports 2008
- When attempting to refresh the same report, it now fails with the error: "Invalid Argument provided..."
- Service Pack 2 provided a small code change that is not compatible with the current sforce-api.jar file.
- To solve the issue, apply Service Pack 3 or above for Crystal Reports; or
If you cannot apply a product update at this time, then download and replace the sforce-api.jar:
- Download attached file: sforce-api.jar
- Replace the current sforce-api.jar file with the newer version. The file is located by default in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java\lib\external
- Restart Crystal Reports designer.
You will now be able to successfully connect to from Crystal Reports 2008 SP02
CR, SForce , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1
sforce-api.jar |