When after changing the Host Identifers from Auto assign (or Hostname) to IP Address, the below error message appears in the trace file (belonging to the ConnectionServer).
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 45213
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString %1 started
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 35100
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString %1
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SIServerController::run: Before initialize
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(sidaemon.cpp:417) SUNIXDaemon::init: starting
2009/11/13 14:40:38.758|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SUNIXDaemon::init: redirecting stdio to /dev/null
2009/11/13 14:40:38.759|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(sidaemon.cpp:210) installing fg terminiation handler
2009/11/13 14:40:38.759|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(sidaemon.cpp:221) installing abnormal sys handler
2009/11/13 14:40:38.759|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(siservercleanup.cpp:90) Abnormal signal handling is disabled.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.759|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(sidaemon.cpp:513) SUNIXDaemon::init: finished
2009/11/13 14:40:38.895|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 35103
2009/11/13 14:40:38.895|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString The root server reported an error %1.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 45202
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString Initialization Failure
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 35101
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString %1
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 35103
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString The root server reported an error %1.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 45202
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString Initialization Failure
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SIServerController:run: Fail to initialize or uninitialize. Reason is The root server reported an error Initialization Failure.:Bad file descriptor
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||CsContainer::uninitialize
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||TransientObjectMonitor stopMonitor()...
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(container.cpp:502) about to uninitialize SSO library
2009/11/13 14:40:38.896|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||libocasecurity : SSOSessionManagerImpl::TermPackage() -- Shutting down...
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||libocasecurity : SSOSessionManagerImpl::TermPackage() -- Called on an uninitialized SSOSessionManager!
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 61910
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString Single Sign-On failed because the required components have not been properly initialized. Please contact your system administrator.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||ocalibsecurity: InternalException::GetErrorString() -- Message (stringres): Single Sign-On failed because the required components have not been properly initialized. Please contact your system administrator.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||(container.cpp:518) Single sign on uninitialization exception: Single Sign-On failed because the required components have not been properly initialized. Please contact your system administrator.
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||CsContainer::uninitialize: Factory killed
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||No active threads at the end of TheEventServer::uninitialize().
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||CsContainer::uninitialize: set BOA ref to nil
2009/11/13 14:40:38.897|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||CsContainer::uninitialize: set ORB ref to nil
2009/11/13 14:40:38.900|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||After uninit CSISocket
2009/11/13 14:40:38.900|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 45214
2009/11/13 14:40:38.900|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString %1 stopped
2009/11/13 14:40:38.900|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString 35100
2009/11/13 14:40:38.901|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||SResourceSource::LoadString %1
2009/11/13 14:40:38.901|==| | | 8303|1108557568| |||||||||||||||Exit code is 0
Connection server Linux IPv4 IPv6 , KBA , BI , Business intelligence solutions , How To
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