- Oracle database 9.X
- The characterSet of the Oracle Instance is WE8ISO8859P15
- Euro symbol is used into some user tables.
- We want upgrade the Oracle version (to 10GR2) and in the same time, upgrade the Oracle CharacterSet (to WE8MSWIN1252) => We perform these upgrades by using export/import.
- oracle client is using CharacterSet WE8MSWIN1252 and Oracle Server is using WE8ISO8859P15
- Oracle client is using CharacterSet WE8ISO8859P15 and Oracle Server is using WE8MSWIN1252
- Oracle client is using CharacterSet WE8MSWIN1252 and Oracle Server is using WE8MSWIN1252
SAP Financial Consolidation 10.0, service pack 2 - 10.0.2 ; SAP Financial Consolidation 10.5 ; SAP Financial Consolidation 7.0 ; SAP Financial Consolidation 7.5
CharacterSet, migration, Euro Symbol, Upside-Down, Questionmark , KBA , How To
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