- Report returns no data.
- In Crystal Reports, report connected to a Business View with row-level security based on the CurrentCEUserName does not return any data.
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Business View Manager XI 3.1
Reproducing the Issue
- In the Central Management Console, create a new username with a short username (3 characters long)
- Add the username to Administators Group
- In the Business View Manager, create a Data Connection for XTREME database, "Customer" table
- Add a data Foundation based on Data Connection above.
- Add a "BOUser" formula to the Data Foundation as following: CurrentCEUserName
- Create a new Business Element add some fields like CustomerName and add BOUser formula
- Create a Business View
- Open Crystal Reports, login to Enterprise as "Administrator" and connect to the Business View created above
- Add some fields including BOUser
- Refresh the report
- BOUser truncates the value and shows "Adm" instead of "Administrator"
- The Business View filter was created while logged in to Enterprise with short user name, and causes any other user name to truncates.
For example: If the user name is 3 characters long, then all CurrentCEUserName values get truncated to 3 characters length. - This is a known issue that has been tracked under ADAPT01343741
- There is no product update that resolves this issue.
- To workaround the issue, follow the steps below:
- Login as "Administrator" while applying a filter and it will reserve at least 13 characters long CE username; or
- Create an Enterprise user with the longest possible length and use it when applying row security.
KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2011 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2011, feature pack 03