- Universe Integrity Check Fails
- Error is Check Interrupted by user
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
Reproducing the Issue
1. Create a new derived table in the universe designer
2. This derived table should generate an error for example when using a table that does not exist in the database it should capture the error "table does not exist" or fetching a large volumne of rows with a JDBC connector should capture the error "Java Heap Space"
3. Go to Tools>>Check Integrity>> and select on Universe Parse structure only
4. Parsing will fail
5. When trying to parse th derived table getting an error 'Check Interrupted by user'
- The parsing fails because it is not able to capture the error being generated by derived tables
- The issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01374303.
This issue has been addressed by Fix Pack 2.7 for service pack 2 and Fix Pack 3.1 for service pack 3
KBA , BI-BIP-SL , Semantic Layer , Bug Filed