SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1455965 - Extra characters are displayed when report/page containing extended ascii is refreshed in COM Interactive DHTML Viewer


  • Using a character set other than Unicode UTF-8.
  • View a Crystal Report using a web browser in COM Interactive DHTML viewer.
  • Report or page uses extended ASCII characters (such as È Î Ð).
  • When page/report is refreshed there are extra characters showing up instead of the correct extended ASCII.


  • Crystal Reports XI R2 SP5
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R2 SP5
  • Viewers COM SDK, Interactive DHTML Viewer 


  • When the IsOwnPage property is set to True the viewer writes the opening and closing <HTML> and <BODY> tags for the HTML page and does not restrict the viewable area of the report. The viewer also specifies the code page, content type, and character set for you. If False, the viewer assumes you have written the <HMTL> and <BODY> tags. In this case, you are responsible for setting the code page, content type, and character set. The recommended content types are presented in the table below.
Viewing format Recommended HTML content type
Standard web reporting "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
Mobile "text/html" or "text/vnd.wap.xml"
PDA "text/html"




KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI R2