- Web Intelligence, Crystal Report, and Desktop Intelligence Processing Servers fail to start successfully. In the Central Management Console (CMC), it is observed that the server begins to start then hangs in initializing state and then subsequently fails.
- Clicking on the server in the CMC shows the following message in red:
"Current port and host name could not be retrieved. Server restart is required if the port or host name is modified."
If you enable tracing for the server (adding -trace to the servier' command line) and start again, the log file shows the following asserts:
"SSOSessionManagerImpl::InitPackage() -- Failed to initialized as a managed server"
"ocalibsecurity: ServerAdminImpl::ServerAdminImpl() -- An uninitalized SSOSessionManager was provided!"
crystal report deski desktop intelligence webi web intelligence start fail initialize SSOSessionManager hang VM Ware , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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