- Billing document not transferred from ERP to Global Trade Services (GTS).
- Error Message /SAPSLL/PLUGINR3 211: 'No Relevant Document Types were Selected' while manually transferring Billing documents.
- Unable to transfer proforma invoice to GTS Customs Management.
- Transfer of Billing Document from ECC to GTS
- SLL-LEG-PI-R3 - unable to transfer F8 to GTS
- Initial transfer of multiple billing documents to GTS
- Transaction /SAPSLL/SD0C_RIMAR3 does not retransfer invoices to GTS
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP Global Trade Services.
SAP ERP all versions ; SAP Global Trade Services all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions
/SAPSLL/TLER3B, Pro-forma, F9, Generate Worklist for Long-Term Vendor Declarations for Customers' Purposes flag, /SAPSLL/GRIMA_R3, /SAPSLL/GCUMA_R3, F8, F5, /SAPSLL/SD0C_RIMAR3, SD0C, re-trigger, retrigger, retransfer, plugin, SLL_PI, customs management, /n/SAPSLL/SD0C_RIMAR3 , KBA , überleitung, faktura , SLL-LEG , Global Trade Services GTS , SLL-LEG-CUS , Customs Management , SLL-LEG-PI , Plug-In , Problem
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