Try refreshing an Xcelsius report based on Crystal report gives error: "Error: Database logon failed. (LO26603)"
Reproducing the Issue
Create a Crystal report and save it to Enterprise folder.
Import the Crystal reports content to Live Office.
Create an Xcelsius model based on that Crystal report.
Publish the Dashboard to Enterprise.
Log on to Central Management Console.
Navigate to the folder where Crystal report and Xcelsius is saved.
Right click on the Crystal report.
Go to Database Configuration
Change the Database server from existing one to new one.
Save changes and open the Xcelsius model.
It gives an Error: Database logon failed. (LO26603)
The Xcelsius model is still pointing to the Crystal Report’s old datasource location as the set datasource location is not updated and not pointing to the new database server.
Open the Crystal report saved in the Enterprise folder.
In Database select Set Datasource Location
Change the Current datasource location with the new server and click Update
Publish the Crystal report to Enterprise with same name.
Open the Xcelsius model and now it refreshes properly.
Xcelsius refresh,Database logon error,LO 26603 , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , How To
SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008