When trying to export to PDF using Crystal Reports for Java, the export either fails completely (No file is generated), or the generated PDF has no fonts in it.
There are a few possible causes for this issue:
- The fonts folder is missing in the JRE folder for the JDK that is used by the version of Java that is being used. Because fonts are embedded in the resulting PDF, the report engine looks for the fonts in the JRE folder. The default location for this is <Java SDK Root Folder>\jre\lib\fonts. If this folder does not exist, then the report will often fail to export to PDF. To resolve this issue, create the folder.
- There is an issue with the version of the JRE being used and how it interacts with the Web Application Server. There have been cases where version 1.5 of various JRE's will interact poorly with version of Tomcat 5. The solution is to upgrade to JDK 1.6 and Tomcat 6.
KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports XI