- Error: "System.Configuration.configurationErrorsException --> An error occurred loading a configuration file: The parameter 'exePath' is invalid. Parameter name: exePath --> The parameter 'exePath' is invalid. Parameter name: exePath"
- Other possible error: "Cartesis.InformationDelivery.AnalyticsUdfAdminService.Contract.UnableToDeserializeAnalyticsUdfConfigFileException ---> Unable to deserialize The Cartesis analysis services configuration file"
Operating Sytems:
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
Database Management Systems:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2003.
- Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g.
NB: the behaviour seems to be related to an installation of the different Analytics folders on a different drive than C:\.
BusinessObjects Extended Analytics 4.1
KBA , EPM-EA-PSI-INS , Installation, Upgrade , Problem
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